
Applied Science Publication Development Committee Charge


  • Develop a clear scope of goals, focus, breadth and publication entities to be encompassed by the journal including a clear description of each type of article
  • Consider and make a recommendation regarding two models of publication: (1) incorporate new publication entities as a component of the existing AJEV or (2) create a second independent publication; propose a title for the independent publication should that be the recommendation


  • Consider type of publishing model: regular specific issues; rolling publication (published as finalized), combination of publishing models
  • Draft a Guide to Authors patterned after the one developed for AJEV
  • Develop costing models and obtain proposed cost estimates from HighWire Press and from Editorial Manager (through ASEV staff) for the different publication models; consider other potential models of production (such as print on demand)

Strategy for Implementation/Launch:

  • Propose a slate of Associate Editors for the new journal or publication categories; recommend optimal structuring for that slate (subject area editors narrowly defined or pattern after current AJEV model)
  • Draft a list of potential contributors who can be contacted and invited to submit manuscripts or other forms of publication
  • Write a report to the ASEV Board with plan to be presented to the Board in the spring (May meeting), and then a summary/overview report to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting at the 2015 National Conference in Portland if Board approved