Rootstock Seminar: A Worldwide Perspective
- 1992
- Seminar Publications
This booklet was prepared for a seminar held on June 24, 1992, in Reno, Nevada presented by the ASEV Technical Projects Committee (TPC). It provides perspectives on current and historical rootstock use and selection. Issues such as rootstock resistance to pests and diseases, suitability to particular soil conditions, drought tolerance, and vigor considerations are addressed.
Table of Contents
Criteria Used for Rootstock Selection in France
Jacques J. Delas
Evaluation of Rootstocks for Phylloxera Infested Vineyards in Australia
John R. Whiting and Gregory A. Buchanan
Grapevine Rootstock Performance under Diverse Conditions in South Africa
James M. Southey
Rootstock Use in California: History and Future Prospects
James A. Wolpert
Future Directions for Rootstock Breeding
M. Andrew Walker
Rootstock Research for the Northeast United States
Robert M. Pool, Gary E. Howard, R.M. Dunst, W.G. Smith and Alice M. Wise
Potential Interactions between Rootstocks and Grapevine Latent Viruses
Deborah A. Golino
Biographical Information
Member Price: $20
Non-Member: $40
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