Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Nitrogen in Grapes and Wine

  • 2015
  • Proceedings

Consists of articles from speakers, representing both academic and industry perspectives, who addressed a broad range of the impacts that nitrogen has on grape and wine quality, from vineyard to bottle. The symposium was held in conjunction with the 66th ASEV National Conference in Portland, OR, June 15-18, 2015

Table of Contents

I. Impact of Vine Nitrogen on Vine Balance, Must, and Wine Style

Opening Remarks
S. Walheim

Brief Overview of California Vineyards and Nitrogen Assessment and Use
L. Asimont

Balancing Vine Nutrient Status: Finding the “Sweet Spot” for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Supply in Pinot noir
R.P. Schreiner, J. Lee, P. Skinkis, J. Osborne, M. Qian, E. Tomasino, A. Navarrete, and F. Yuan
4 – 5

II. Varietal Composition and Nitrogen Assessments

Soil Impact on Nitrogen Uptake, Fruit Yield, and Juice Characteristics
J.J. Lambert, A. Perry, and M.A. Walker
6 – 8

Nitrogen Management in Winemaking—An Applied Perspective
B. Dukes
9 â€“ 12

III. Yeast Nutrition and Fermentation Dynamics

Exploring the Role of Nitrogen in Wine Fermentation Kinetics
D.E. Block
13 â€“ 20

The Many Faces of Nitrogen in Alcoholic Fermentation: Impact on Yeast Metabolism in Enological Conditions
A. Ortiz-Julien
21 â€“ 23

IV. Postfermentation and Aging: Impact of Residual Nitrogen Composition

Impact of Residual Nitrogen on Wine Quality Postfermentation
J.P. Osborne
24 â€“ 26

Amino Acids including D-amino Acids Formation during Postfermentation Related to UMAMI
M. Sato
27 – 29

Member Price: $20
Non-Member Price: $40
