International Symposium on Oak in Winemaking

  • 1999
  • Proceedings

Consists of papers presented by invited speakers at the International Symposium on Oak in Winemaking held on June 29, 1999 in Reno, Nevada. The edited proceedings are included in Volume 50:4 of the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.

Table of Contents

The Tannins of Oak Heartwood: Structure, Properties, and Their Influence on Wine Flavor
J.L. Puech, F. Feuillat, and J.R. Mosedale

Discrimination and Control of Toasting Intensity and Quality of Oak Wood Barrels
Pascal Chatonnet

The Influence of Oak Seasoning and Toasting Parameters on the Composition and Quality of Wine
Michael D. Hale, Katherine McCafferty, Ed Larmie, Jennifer Newton, and James S. Swan

The Influence on Wine Flavor of the Oak Species and Natural Variation of Heartwood Components
J.R. Mosedale, J.L. Puech, and F. Feuillat

Characterization of French Oak Cooperage (Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea Liebl.). Research of the Study Group on Barrel-Aging Burgundy Wines
F. Feuillat, R. Keller, F. Sauvageot, and J.L. Puech

Influence of Toasting Technique on Color and Ellagitannins of Oak Wood in Barrel Making
Lucio Matricardi and Andrew L. Waterhouse

CERA Barrel Committee Tasting Protocol
Barbara Lindblom and Cera Barrel Committee

The Evaluation of Alternative Oak Enhancements to Extend Barrel Life
Evelyn Heraty, Amanda McCord, Lise Skaanild, and Margaret Davenport

Cooper vs. Forests: Which Is More Important?
Nick Goldschmidt

A Version of the Invention of Barrels and Barrel Alternatives
Cal Dennison

Barrel Renewal Systems—A User’s Perspective
Tom Stutz, Sean Lin, and Ian Herdman

Abstracts of The International Symposium on Oak in Wine Poster Presentations

Member Price: $`5
Non-Member: $30
