2022 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture (oral)
Maria Zumkeller (Major Professor: Kaan Kurtural, University of California, Davis)
No-till Systems and Perennial Cover Crops Show Minimal Effects on Vineyard Soil Microbiome Composition
Viticulture (poster)
Mathew Lange (Major Professor: Patricia Skinkis, Oregon State University, Corvallis)
First-Year Effects of Vineyard Floor Management on Dry-Farmed Pinot noir Vine Performance in Different Soil Types
Viticulture (flash talk)
Geraldine Diverres (Major Professor: Markus Keller, Washington State University, Prosser)
Tailoring Irrigation for White Wine Grapes in Arid Eastern Washington
Enology (oral)
Austin Montgomery (Major Professor: Gavin Sacks, Cornell University, New York)
H2S Formation During Wine Storage in Aluminum Beverage Cans – Effects of Wine Composition and Liner Type
Enology (poster)
Glycine Jiang (Major Professor: Patrick Gibney, Cornell University, New York)
Examining the Role of Fructose in Stuck or Sluggish Fermentation: A Correlation, not a Cause
Enology (flash talk)
Yiliang Cheng (Major Professor: Aude Watrelot, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames)
Synergetic Effect of Accentuated Cut Edges (ACE) and Pectinase on Marquette Wine Quality
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