Scholarship Programs


ASEV Scholarship Programs

The American Society for Enology and Viticulture annually awards numerous scholarships to students pursuing a degree in enology, viticulture, or in a curriculum emphasizing a science basic to the wine and grape industry.

We are now offering the following two scholarship programs:

  1. ASEV Traditional Scholarship – The scholarship awards are $3,500 each for our traditional program. However, the Dennis Martin (top enology award), Michael Vail (top viticulture award), and James Wolpert (top extension award) scholarships are $7,500 each. The number of scholarships are limited based on the total amount offered each year by ASEV.

    ASEV Traditional Scholarship Application
  2. ASEV Presidents’ Award for Scholarship in Enology and Viticulture – This special scholarship will be awarded to two students that exceed the expectations of our traditional scholarship program. One scholarship in enology and one in viticulture will be awarded in the amount of $12,500 each.

    ASEV Presidents’ Award for Scholarship Application

All scholarship recommendations made by the Scholarship Committee are subject to final approval by the Board of Directors.

The Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, or physical/mental disabilities. The Society has no affiliation with the University of California or other institutions that may also offer scholarship programs.

Previous applicants and recipients are eligible to reapply each year in open competition with new applicants for the ASEV Traditional Scholarship. Recipients of the ASEV Presidents’ Award for Scholarship are not eligible to reapply. The ASEV reserves the right not to award scholarships at all in any given year.

General information

Scholarship Eligibility & Awards

The application deadline is March 1 of each year for both scholarships. All completed forms, letters, transcripts, and other required information must be received by the Scholarship Committee by March 1 for consideration for an award for the following scholastic year.

General information

2024-2025 Scholarship Recipients

ASEV Presidents’ Award for Scholarship in Enology and Viticulture

Michael Cook 

Texas A&M University,
College Station

Austin Montgomery 

Cornell University, New York

ASEV Traditional Scholarship

Mark Bartz Mark Walker Bartz 
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Arpa Boghozian
University of California, Davis
Pierre Davadant
Washington State University, Prosser
ASEV Michael Vail Scholarship Recipient
Sarah Davis Sarah Davis
University of British Columbia, Canada
Hava Delavar
North Dakota State University, Fargo
Sam Dudley Sam Dudley
University of California, Davis
Amanda Fleming
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
ASEV James Wolpert Scholarship ​Recipient
Jenna Fryer
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Gaire Anupa Gaire
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Ghimire Bijaya Ghimire
North Dakota State University, Fargo 
Hillin Daniel Hillin
Texas A&M University, College Station
Lik Xian Lim
University of California, Davis
Meharg Megan Meharg
Washington State University, Tri-Cities
Osterman Kiley Osterman
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Juliana Pazos
Washington State University, Prosser
Marnelle Salie
California State University, Fresno 
sanders Walter Willis Sanders
University of Georgia, Athens
shaw Madison Shaw
Washington State University, Prosser
Stevens Jesse Stevens
Washington State University, Tri-Cities
Nicholas Wendrick
University of Florida, Gainesville
ASEV Dennis Martin Scholarship Recipient 
Zhuang Shijian George Zhuang
University of California, Riverside
General information

2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2018-2019 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2017-2018 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2016-2017 Scholarship Recipients

General information

2015-2016 Scholarship Recipients