Proceedings of the ASEV 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting
- 2000
- Proceedings
A comprehensive collection of manuscripts from the papers presented by invited speakers at the ASEV Annual Meeting held on June 19-23, 2000 in Seattle, Washington. Contains all papers for the Cold Hardiness Workshop and the Sensory Symposium.
Table of Contents
Sensory Symposium
1-2: Sensory evaluation in the wine industry: An under-utilized resource – A. C. Noble
3-8: Practical applications of sensory research: Effect of glass shape, yeast strain, and terroir on wine flavor – U. Fischer
9-11: The new challenges of wine industry met by a smart use of sensory techniques – I. Lesschaeve
12-14: Making sensory evaluation work in a winery – C. de la Presa Owens
15-18: Sensory evaluation of experimental wines with limited resources – L. Chacon-Rodriguez, J. T. Wong, and T. H. Smith
19-21: What sensory consultants can do for the wine industry – P. A. Howe
22-24: Experimental design: A necessary tool for sensory research on alcoholic beverages – S. B. Hummer
25-27: Relating consumer perception and sensory science to sell more wine: A case study in the use of preference mapping – D. Craig-Petsinger
28-31: The identification of sensory and non-sensory attributes of California Chardonnay wines that influence acceptance and purchase intent for differing segments of consumers – J. M. Yegge and A. C. Noble
Cold Hardiness Workshop
32-34: Marketing the milk of the vine – K. L. McMath
35-48: Grapevine cold hardiness: Mechanisms of cold acclimation, mid-winter hardiness maintenance, and spring deacclimation – G. S. Howell
49-59: Site selection and other vine management principles and practices to minimize the threat of cold injury – T. K. Wolf and J. D. Boyer
60-72: The art of protecting grapevines from low temperature injury – R. G. Evans
73-76: Use of oils and alginate to delay budbreak of grapevines – I. Dami, R. Hamman, C. Stushnoff, and T. K. Wolf
77-80: Ice nucleation and the time of pruning – R. Hamman
81-93: Dynamics of grapevine cold hardiness – R. L. Wample, S. Hartley, and L. Mills
94-100: The anatomy of low-temperature injury of grapevines – M. C. Goffinet
101-110: Vine and vineyard management following low temperature injury – W. Wolfe
111-114: Vine disorders indirectly caused by low temperature injury & crown gall disease – K. C. Eastwell
Special Presentations
115-121: 2000 AJEV Merit Award Lecture. A half-century of research at the worldâs largest winery: A personal retrospective. – A. Caputi, Jr.
122-127: Viticulture in change – A. N. Kasimatis
128-136: 2000 AJEV Honorary Research Lecture. The biological resilience of Saccharomyces: Strategies for adaptation to the natural fermentative environment – L. F. Bisson
Wine Analysis Session
137-141: Advances in the Australian wine industry and the contributing role of wine analysis – B. Rankine
142-148: Coupled instrumental techniques in wine flavor analysis: From gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to high resolution gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry – P. Schreier
149-154: The âhaze proteinsâ of wineâa summary of properties, factors affecting their accumulation in grapes and the amount of bentonite required for their removal from wine – P. B. Høj, D. B. Tattersall, K. Adams, K. F. Pocock, Y. Hayasaka, R. van Heeswijck, and E. J. Waters
Vineyard Mechanization Session
155-164 Past, present, and future of vineyard mechanization – J. R. Morris
165-169: Mechanization of wine and raisin production in Australian vineyards – P. Clingeleffer
170-184: Innovations and outlook in grapevine training systems and mechanization in North-Central Italy – C. Intrieri and I. Filippetti
185-190: Adaptation and utilization of minimal pruning systems for quality production in cool climates – H. R. Schultz, S. Kraml, U. Werwitzke,T. Zimmer, and J. Schmid
Wine Flavor Session
191-195: Wine flavor researchâexperiences from the past offer a guide to the future – P. J. Williams and I. L. Francis
196-203: The role of yeasts in grape flavor development during fermentation: The example of Sauvignon blanc. – D. Dubourdieu, T. Tominaga, I. Masneuf, C. Peyrot des Gachons, and M. LaureMurat
204: Advances in our knowledge wine olfaction – T. E. Acree
205-208: Past and the future: Bucket flavor chemistry to senso-chemistry – S. E. Ebeler and A. C. Noble
209-215: UC Davisâ role in improving Californiaâs grape planting materials – M. A. Walker
Plant Materials Session
216-222: Trade in grapevine plant materials: Local, national, and worldwide perspectives. – D. A. Golino
223-230: The origins of the grape program at Foundation Plant Materials Service – L. Alley and D. A. Golino
231-236: Major graft-transmissible diseases of grapevines: Nature, diagnosis, and sanitation – G. P. Martelli
237-239: Genetically engineered plants: What are they? What are their risks and benefits? Can the technology be usefully applied to grapevines? – D. Gonsalves
Wine Biotechnology Session
240-257: The evolution of the technology of winemakingâ1950 to 2000 – R. B. Boulton
258-260: Winemaking microbiology: Advances in research and their impact on winemaking practices – J. Gafner, P. Hoffmann-Boller, N. Porret, and D. Pulver
261-270: Tailoring wine yeast for the third millennium: Novel approaches to the ancient art of winemaking – I. S. Pretorius
271-277: Yeast autolysis and yeast macromolecules? Their contribution to wine flavor and stability – C. Charpentier
278-284: Understanding wine lactic acid bacteria. Progress and prospects in controlling wine quality – A. Lonvaud-Funel
Vine Balance Session
285-295: Leaf area/crop weight ratios of grapevines: Influence on fruit composition and wine quality – W. M. Kliewer and N. K. Dokoozlian
296-308: Planting density and physiological balance: Comparing approaches to European viticulture in the 21st century – C. Intrieri and I. Filippetti
309-317: Impact of trellis/training systems and cultural practices on production efficiency, fruit composition, and vine balance. – A. G. Reynolds
318-322: Production efficiency and relationships among crop load, fruit composition and wine quality – P. Clingeleffer, M. Krstic, and K. Sommer
Wine Aging Session
323-336: A survey of wine aging reactions, especially with oxygen – V. L. Singleton
337-344: Mechanisms of anthocyanin and tannin changes during winemaking and aging – V. Cheynier, S. Remy, and H. Fulcrand
345-352: Recent advances in white wine aging: The key role of the lees – D. Dubourdieu, V. Moine-Ledoux, V. Lavigne-Cruège, L. Blanchard, and T. Tominaga
353-355: Tannin evolution from grape to wine. Effects on wine taste – Y. Glories and C. Saucier
Pest Management Session
Member Price: $50
Non-Member: $100
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