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Student achievements highlighted the evening at the
Student-Industry Mixer held at the American Society for Enology
and Viticulture’s (ASEV) 60th Annual Meeting last June 25.
Industry members mingled with eager students and their major
professors as they sipped on Napa Valley wines and toasted to the
future torch bearers who received scholarships and the winners of
the best student presentation awards.
Dr. Christian Butzke of Purdue University has been confirmed as
president of the 2009-2010 American Society of Enology and
Viticulture (ASEV). He will lead the 12-member board to build on
the success of Opus One’s Michael Silacci, the immediate past
president. Patty Saldivar, viticultural consultant, was also
confirmed as first vice president and Dr. Sara Spayd of North
Carolina State University was elected second vice president.
The Annual Meeting in Napa was a first in many regards and with
positive outcome. We are pleased to have delivered program
content for over 800 attendees representing many states and
countries, professions and academic institutions.
More than 800 wine industry leaders, researchers and other
academic representatives from around the world gathered in Napa
in June at the ASEV’s 60th annual meeting, putting research and
science center stage among world famous wineries and vineyards.
“To mark our 60th Annual Meeting, we’ve made significant
enhancements, not the least of which is hosting it in a
world-class wine country where the research the Society fosters
is being put into practice everyday,” said ASEV Executive
Director Lyndie Boulton.
Twenty Years
of Grape Breeding: A Research Overview
Dr. Andrew Walker
University of California, Davis
We are pleased to host our 2009 Honorary Research Lecturer
Professor Dr. Andrew Walker of the Department of Viticulture and
Enology, University of California, Davis.
A team of researchers examining the alteration of anthocyanin in
Merlot grapes and authors of a paper on transporter genes in
yeast wine strains were designated by the American Society for
Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) to receive the best paper awards
for viticulture and enology, respectively. The two most
outstanding papers published in the American Journal of
Enology and Viticulture (AJEV) in 2008 were chosen by the
ASEV best paper committee for their content and contribution to
the field.
Each year, extraordinary contributions are made to the artistry
and science of enology and viticulture. The American Society for
Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) announced that its two highest
honors, the Merit Award and Honorary Research Lecturer, will be
presented to Ms. Zelma Long
and Dr. Andrew
Walker, respectively, at the Society’s 60th Annual Meeting to
be held in Napa, California, from June 23-26.
For more than half a century, winery and vineyard leaders have
gathered in June at the ASEV annual meetings for research
updates, to network with friends and colleagues and to learn
about innovations that allow them to be more competitive.
This year and for the first time, sponsors and advertisers will
have the opportunity to reach a unique and diverse client base
with focus on the Napa Valley wine region.
The 2008 ASEV symposium, “Phenolics Substances in Grapes and
Wine,” honored Dr. Vernon L. Singleton of the University of
California, Davis, for his outstanding and influential career in
wine phenolic chemistry. Over the course of four decades that
were marked by the publication of more than 220 papers and four
books, Dr. Singleton produced a profoundly influential series of
works focused on phenolic chemistry.
The CD is available to ASEV members for $25. Click
here to order today.
Marriott Napa Valley Hotel
The Meritage Resort
Napa, California
ASEV will celebrate its 60th Annual Meeting by debuting a new
venue. Research reports, supplier-industry seminars and themed
symposia—all capitalizing on wineries, vineyards and suppliers of
Napa Valley will be offered. Immerse yourself in our
content-driven program while networking with hosts from vineyards
and wineries of this famed wine region.
The ASEV Board of Directors recently approved an ASEV scholarship
in the name of Mike Vail. Mike passed away in September and was a
dedicated member of the board of directors.
The annual scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing a
degree in viticulture. This award is part of the total
scholarship funding ASEV grants each year to students enrolled
full-time in undergraduate or graduate degree programs in
enology, viticulture, or directly related fields of science with
an emphasis in these areas.
Committed to building the next generation of industry leaders,
the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) awarded
20 students studying in North America with scholarships totaling
$60,000. All the recipients are pursuing a degree in enology,
viticulture or a curriculum emphasizing a science basic to the
wine and grape industry at universities and colleges across the
nation. ASEV is proud to announce the recipients of the 2008-2009
Opus One’s winemaker, Michael Silacci (right), officially took
reign as president of the ASEV Board of Directors as of July 1,
succeeding Past President Craig Rous (left) of Bear Creek Winery.
“Craig Rous provided outstanding leadership to guide a unique and
diverse group of individuals. He was instrumental in many of the
innovative new program concepts and ideas that the ASEV is
introducing,” Silacci said. “He did a superb job as president,
and I am lacing my boots tightly to follow in his footsteps.”
The 2008 Annual Meeting held in Oregon in June hosted the largest
crowd in three years. Attendance increased by 15% and the nearly
100 research reports presented reflected a 50% increase over
The Oregon wine industry provided an excellent setting as
researchers and wine and grape industry members toured Oregon
wineries, learned more about the world’s recognized Pinot noir
regions, interacted with well-regarded domestic and international
scientists, and had the opportunity to witness a unique slate of
sensory scientists from California, Europe and Australia.
The American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) is
honoring two industry leaders for their contributions to
grapegrowing and winemaking this June at its 59th Annual Meeting
in Portland. This year, ASEV’s Merit Award recipient is Robert Steinhauer of California,
and Dr. Peter Winterhalter of Germany will present the Honorary Research Lecturer.
This year’s American Society for Enology and Viticulture’s (ASEV)
59th Annual Meeting will be held at the Oregon Convention Center
in Portland, Oregon, on June 17 – 20, 2008. Key highlights for
this year’s conference are the themed Supplier Showcase seminars
set for June 18 and 19, a regional winery tour, research reports,
including world-renowned experts in enology and viticulture, and
the chance to taste local wines at the Pacific Northwest Wine
DAVIS, CA, March 10, 2008…. Labeled “elegant and complex” by the
American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) best paper
committee, England’s John C. Danilewicz’s paper, “Interaction of
Sulfur Dioxide, Polyphenols, and Oxygen in a Wine-Model System:
Central Role of Iron and Copper,” has been selected as the best
enology paper published in 2007 in the American Journal of
Enology and Viticulture (AJEV).
Approved by the ASEV Board of Directors on January 19, 2021.
The American Society for Enology and Viticulture is committed to
creating a fair, safe, and flexible environment which embraces
tolerance and fosters inclusion. We celebrate the myriad of
perspectives and contributions that each individual brings to our
Society. Diversity, equity, and inclusion fuel our innovation and
enriches our community.
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