2019 Best Student Presentation Awards

Viticulture (oral)

Andrej Svyantek (Major Professor: Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, North Dakota State University, Fargo)
Growth Chamber Analysis of Dormancy Acclimation Responses within NDSU Grape Germplasm

Viticulture (poster)

Anna Hermes (Major Professor: Eve-Lyn Hinckley, University of Colorado, Boulder)
Fire, Water, and Wine: Effects of the North Bay Wildfires on Napa Valley Vineyard Soil Carbon and Sulfur Losses

Viticulture (flash talk)

Patrick Kenney (Major Professor: Megan Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia)
Drosophila Egg and Larval Stages Cause Sour Rot Symptoms at Same Rate as Adults

Enology (oral)

Courtney Tanabe (Major Professor: Susan Ebeler, University of California, Davis)
Elemental Analysis of the Changes in Metal Profiles during Winemaking

Enology (poster)

Jarrad Gollihue (Major Professor: Seth DeBolt, University of Kentucky, Lexington)
Evaluating the Influence of White Rot Fungi on Volatiles Produced by Quercus alba Barrel Staves

Enology (flash talk)

Thi Nguyen (Major Professor: Andrew Waterhouse, University of California, Davis)
Evaluating Wine Oxidation Using Spectrophotometric Iron Speciation
