2016 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture (oral)
Eric Gale (Major Professor: Michelle Moyer, Washington State University, Prosser)
Grapevine Root Cold Hardiness
Viticulture (poster)
Timothy Weber (Major Professor: Arianna Bozzolo, University of Missouri, Columbia)
Effect of Various Levels of Biochar and Compost on Growth of Valvin Muscat Grapevines in a Controlled Environment
Viticulture (flash talk)
Joseph Schmidt (Major Professor: Laurent Deluc, Oregon State University, Corvallis)
The Impacts of Cluster Thinning and Cluster-zone Leaf Removal on the Hormone Dynamics of Ripening Pinot noir Berries
Enology (oral)
Courtney Tanabe (Major Professor: Sue E. Ebeler, University of California, Davis)
Method Optimization for Total Arsenic Analysis in Wines using HG-MP-AES
Enology (poster)
Zachary Cartwright (Major Professor: Charles Edwards, Washington State University, Prosser)
Analysis of Brettanomyces bruxellensis Penetration Depths in Different Types of Oak Barrel Stave
Enology (flash talk)
Sydney Morgan (Major Professor: Daniel Durall, University of British Columbia, Canada)
Sulfur Dioxide Addition Alters Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Populations and Wine Sensory Characteristics in Spontaneous Fermentations
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