2011 Best Student Presentation Awards
Claire Heinitz (Major Professor: M. Andrew Walker, University of California, Davis)
Germplasm Screen for Chloride Exclusion in Wild Grapevines
Daniel K. Pate (Major Professor: Jeff W. Johnson, Texas Tech University, Lubbock)
Economic Evaluation of Winegrape Contracts
Jianqiang Song (Major Professor: Michael C. Qian, Oregon State University, Corvallis)
Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Pinot noir Wines from Different Vine Vigor Zones
Gordon A. Walker (Major Professor: Linda Bisson, University of California, Davis)
Alternative Carbon Source Utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Isolates Mediated via a Heritable Prion State
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Walter-Peterson Appointed as ASEV Technical Program Director
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