2010-2011 Scholarship Recipients

Anderson, Michael

University of British Columbia, Canada

Brewer, Marin

Cornell University, New York

Calderon Orellana, Arturo

University of California, Davis

Dooley, Lauren

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

*Fredrikson, Levi

Oregon State University, Corvallis

Jackowetz, John

Cornell University, New York

Nelson, Rebecca

Cornell University, New York

Smith, Steven

California State University, Fresno

Stewart, Amanda

Purdue University, Indiana

Tracy, Michael

Cornell University, New York

Vance, Amanda

Oregon State University, Corvallis

Weber, Jorin

Oregon State University, Corvallis

White, Eric

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

*Recipient of the ASEV Michael Vail scholarship
