Best Paper Awards


Best Paper Awards from the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

Each year, the ASEV Best Paper Awards Committee completes an evaluation of all research papers published in the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture for the prior year. The committee selects one paper in the field of enology and one in the field of viticulture that is deemed outstanding in its content and a substantial contribution to the field.

Each best paper receives a monetary award to be shared among the authors. Each author is also awarded a plaque, complimentary National Conference registration, and an invitation to the Board of Directors dinner held at the conference site. A plaque is presented at the ASEV National Conference in June to those authors who attend. The awarded papers are also designated as such and are made freely available on the AJEVOnline website.​

Paper L.A. Williams and R. BoultonAJEV 34:234-242 (1983)

1984 Best Enology Paper
Modeling and Prediction of Evaporative Ethanol Loss during Wine Fermentations

Paper F. Radler and H. SchützAJEV 33:36-40 (1982)

1983 Best Enology Paper
Glycerol Production of Various Strains of Saccharomyces

Paper C. Srinivasan and M.G. MullinsAJEV 32:47-63 (1981)

1982 Best Viticulture Paper
Physiology of Flowering in the Grapevine — A Review

Paper C.A. van der Merwe and C.J. van Wyk AJEV 32:41-46 (1981)

1982 Best Enology Paper
The Contribution of Some Fermentation Products to the Odor of Dry White Wines