ASEV Platform

Krista Shellie Joins AJEV Associate Editors

AJEV is fortunate to welcome a new editor. Dr. Krista Shellie of the United States Department of Agriculture became an associate editor in plant physiology and biochemistry in February 2015.

“We are pleased to have someone with Dr. Shellie’s breadth of experience and depth of expertise join the ranks of the AJEV associate editors, and I look forward to working with her,” noted AJEV Science Editor Linda Bisson.

Dr. Shellie received her Ph.D. in crop and soil sciences from Michigan State University and gained extensive international research experience working for the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Colombia, South America, and in the Kivu region of Central Africa.  She has been working as a research horticulturist with the Agricultural Research Service for the last 25 years and is located at the Horticultural Crops Research Unit worksite in Parma, ID, where her viticulture research focuses on adaptive cultural practices that increase resilience to abiotic stresses. 

Current AJEV associate editors also include Eduardo Agosin (Chile), Eveline Bartowsky (Australia), Véronique Cheynier (France), Glen Creasy (New Zealand), Nick Dokoozlian (USA), Brígida Fernández de Simón (Spain), Matthew Fidelibus (USA), Hildegarde Heymann (USA), Markus Keller (USA), James Kennedy (USA), Felipe Laurie (Chile), Wendy Parr (New Zealand), Stefano Poni (Italy), Doris Rauhut (Germany), Andrew Reynolds (Canada), M. Andrew Walker (USA) and Jon Wong (USA), and Enology Editor Susan Ebeler (USA), Viticulture Editor Peter Cousins (USA) and Science Editor Linda Bisson (USA).